My name is Shanti Gilbert, son of famous artist Marta Gilbert I always enjoyed taking photos even though I never did had a camera of my own, that changed with the introduction of digital cameras, and in 1997 I got my first digital camera, as I shot and shot more photos, I started to create a big personal portfolio and things started to really take shape when I got my first digital SLR and I started to take photos seriously, after a few years shooting and learning all the new tricks of my DSLR in 2006, I invited a few friends to join me on an online photoblog for amateur Puerto Vallarta photographers, so was born, it started really good, a lot of photos were shared and a the site generated a lot of visits.
In late 2007 as I noticed a lot of the photographers didn’t had the time for pvbeat anymore I decided to turn it into a photo a day photoblog and in September 2007 version 2 of this Puerto Vallarta photoblog was started. With a custom made PHP script, the idea was to upload one image a day, for 1 year and a half there was indeed 1 image a day but for personal reasons and work I had to change the format and now its an image whenever I can find the time 🙂 but I do try to upload images as soon as I shoot them.
in November 2009, I decided to change from my custom made PHP script to WordPress and what you see now is the result of that, hopefully there will be a for a long while.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy taking them
Shanti Gilbert